Privacy Policy

This privacy policy informs you about the use of personal data (hereinafter referred to as data) on our websites and the associated presences, apps, etc.

Responsible Mike Petersen, Doktorweg 16, 24808 Jevenstedt, Germany (info (at)

Odania website is owned by Odania GmbH, which is a data controller of your personal data.

We have adopted this Privacy Policy, which determines how we are processing the information collected by Odania, which also provides the reasons why we must collect certain personal data about you. Therefore, you must read this Privacy Policy before using Odania website.

We take care of your personal data and undertake to guarantee its confidentiality and security.

Personal information we collect:

When you visit the Odania, we automatically collect certain information about your device, including information about your web browser, IP address, time zone, and some of the installed cookies on your device. Additionally, as you browse the Site, we collect information about the individual web pages or products you view, what websites or search terms referred you to the Site, and how you interact with the Site. We refer to this automatically-collected information as “Device Information.” Moreover, we might collect the personal data you provide to us (including but not limited to Name, Surname, Address, payment information, etc.) during registration to be able to fulfill the agreement.

Why do we process your data?

Our top priority is customer data security, and, as such, we may process only minimal user data, only as much as it is absolutely necessary to maintain the website. Information collected automatically is used only to identify potential cases of abuse and establish statistical information regarding website usage. This statistical information is not otherwise aggregated in such a way that it would identify any particular user of the system.

You can visit the website without telling us who you are or revealing any information, by which someone could identify you as a specific, identifiable individual. If, however, you wish to use some of the website’s features, or you wish to receive our newsletter or provide other details by filling a form, you may provide personal data to us, such as your email, first name, last name, city of residence, organization, telephone number. You can choose not to provide us with your personal data, but then you may not be able to take advantage of some of the website’s features. For example, you won’t be able to receive our Newsletter or contact us directly from the website. Users who are uncertain about what information is mandatory are welcome to contact us via


Newsletter Falls Sie sich zu einem unserer Newsletter angemeldet haben, verwenden wir hierfür Ihre Email Adresse und freiwillige weitere Angaben. Benötigt wird lediglich die Email Adresse die anderen angaben dienen lediglich der personalisierung des Newsletters.

Der Newsletter nutzt das sogenannte Double-Opt-In-Verfahren. Dabei wird nach dem Klick auf den Anmelden Link eine Mail mit einem Bestätigungslink versendet. Erst wenn dieser Link geklickt wurde, kommt das Newsletter Abo zu stande.

Am Ende jedes Newsletters finden Sie einen Link um diesen jederzeit abbestellen zu können.

Newsletter – Statistik Zur Auswertung der Newsletter ist eine pixelgroße-Datei enthalten. Diese informiert unseren Server bei der Öffnung des Newsletters. Ebenfalls wird bei Nutzung der einzelnen Links in den Newsletter diese Öffnung der Webseite durch den Newsletter getrackt.

Diese Informationen werden zur technischen Verbesserung und zur Optimierung des Newsletters verwendet.

Die gesendeten Daten entahlten unter anderem Ihre IP und den Zugriffszeitpunkt. Die Daten können zwar einzelnen Newsletterempfängern zugeordnet werden, es ist allerdings nicht unser bestreben das Verhalten einzelner Nutzer zu beobachten. Es geht uns hier lediglich um eine anonymisierte Gesamtüversicht.

Your rights:

If you are a European resident, you have the following rights related to your personal data:

  • The right to be informed.

  • The right of access.

  • The right to rectification.

  • The right to erasure.

  • The right to restrict processing.

  • The right to data portability.

  • The right to object.

  • Rights in relation to automated decision-making and profiling.

If you would like to exercise this right, please contact us through the contact information below.

Additionally, if you are a European resident, we note that we are processing your information in order to fulfill contracts we might have with you (for example, if you make an order through the Site), or otherwise to pursue our legitimate business interests listed above. Additionally, please note that your information might be transferred outside of Europe, including Canada and the United States.

Links to other websites:

Our website may contain links to other websites that are not owned or controlled by us. Please be aware that we are not responsible for such other websites or third parties‘ privacy practices. We encourage you to be aware when you leave our website and read the privacy statements of each website that may collect personal information.

Information security:

We secure information you provide on computer servers in a controlled, secure environment, protected from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. We keep reasonable administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect against unauthorized access, use, modification, and personal data disclosure in its control and custody. However, no data transmission over the Internet or wireless network can be guaranteed.

Legal disclosure:

We will disclose any information we collect, use or receive if required or permitted by law, such as to comply with a subpoena or similar legal process, and when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request.

We only share your personal data under the following conditions:

You have expressly agreed to this. There is a legal obligation. This is necessary to enforce our rights (e.g. claims arising from a contractual relationship). Information, correction, blocking and deletion of your data. Simply contact

We can delete all data that is not:

that is not subject to statutory retention periods due to legitimate interest. Written texts are not deleted, only the reference to the user is removed. This means that your data is no longer related to your data.

Cookies Cookies are small files that are stored on the user’s computer. This is usually used to identify the user. E.g. after logging in, for the shopping cart, …

If you do not want this, you can deactivate it in your browser settings. However, this can lead to functional restrictions of the online offers.

You can also find more information at:

Contact information:

If you would like to contact us to understand more about this Policy or wish to contact us concerning any matter relating to individual rights and your Personal Information, you may send an email to

The Strategy

Vestibulum accumsan odio at molestie pellentesque. Sed vulputate, ex vel porttitor dignissim, elit sem elementum quam, sit amet luctus felis tortor sit amet lacus. In tincidunt nisl enim, sed pharetra ipsum commodo non. Nunc a ligula sed arcu posuere maximus sed at nisi. Sed odio mi, convallis in malesuada vel, hendrerit mollis lacus.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet feugiat.
  • In porttitor lorem sit amet nunc pretium.
  • Suspendisse non enim sit amet dolor.
  • Tincidunt rutrum at at est.
  • Pellentesque vel viverra turpis.

Our Games and Apps

Means of Data Collection

We only collect date for the following usage:

– Crash Reports

– Analytics of Usage our Products

– Leaderboards and Archivements

Optional you can become a Member of Protectors of Balance there you can have your own profile and overview of all your achievements and leaderboards.

Reason for Collecting your Data

We only collect your technical Data to Improve our Games for your improved Pleasure. Collecting that Data helps us fixing issuesand to improve Gameplay and Performance.

But it also shows us were we as a company can improve our future products for your satisfaction.

We only use personal Data in relation to our Leaderboards and Achivements, but those are related to you Loginname/Playername, and not to your private personal Data.

As member of Protectors of Balance you have to register via email address. This is used for the subscription, transactional emails (lost password, register, etc) and newsletter (optional).

How to delete your Data

You can contact us via E-Mail (info (at) or use the contact form. We will delete all your data that is not required to keep by law.